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Over time, whether it be oil spots on your driveway or built up dirt on your patio and pool deck, our power washing services are ideal for all in and around Apex, NC. Always tough on stains but gentle on your surfaces, our team's power washing precision is perfect for you. Call today to get started!

Driveways & Walkways
Driveways & Walkways
A dirty driveway or walkway can become a breeding ground for mold, mildew, and other allergens to build up. When you walk through the concrete, these will latch on to the soles of your shoes, and become dangerous to your health! Keep the harmful growth in check by scheduling regular power washing services with competitive prices starting at $100. Reach out for a quote today in Apex, NC!

Constant exposure to sun, rain and wind will make even the sturdiest fence look dreary and dull. Renew and refresh the look of your fence with power washing services from PeakScaping LLC, with competitive prices starting at $200. Reach out for a quote today in Apex, NC!

Rear Deck/Patios
Rear Deck/Patios
Rear decks and patios are a comforting place to relax and unwind, especially after a long and tiring day. But as the seasons pass, your rear deck and patio will lose its shine. Keep your rear deck and patio looking clean and clear all year long with regular power washing services from PeakScaping LLC, with competitive prices starting at $75. Reach out for a quote today!

Front Porches
Front Porches
Your front porch is an extension of your home. It’s the first place visitors go through when they drop by. Ensure that your home looks the best it can be with power washing services from PeakScaping LLC with competitive prices starting at $70. Reach out for a quote today in Apex, NC!

Home Pressure Wash Services
Home Pressure Wash Services
Regular home pressure washing services will help improve the overall appearance of your home and keep you and your family safe from the harmful growth of mold, mildew, and other allergens. Improve the curb appeal of your home with regular pressure washing services from PeakScaping LLC with competitive prices starting at $100 per wall. Reach out for a quote today in Apex, NC!

Ready to take the first step?
The whole process is quick and easy from start to finish.